Spoiler: New Challenge! Run away from the scary intruder lady!
(We are officially in a chase now, and so Taking 10 is no longer an option. The good news is that you are faster than the intruder as her appropriated chainmail has slowed her to 20’ move speed while you and Trinia are at 30’. As such, you will receive a +2 bonus to all of your checks for this leg of the chase.)
You have a choice of taking one of the following two paths out of here. You and Trinia must each make at least one of the three following checks listed for whichever path you choose. You may also choose to have Bellinda and/or Trinia make two or all three of the checks instead to gain the benefits that passing each of the given checks provide you (they stack). However, if you attempt a check and fail, it does slow you down a bit and gives the intruder a chance to start to catch back up.-

Through the Supply Room! – Duck through a nearby bulk supply room, weaving around crates and racks of spare armor and weapons, to get to the far side – and maybe find a spare cloak and rope along the way.

  • Weave through the mess (Acrobatics DC 20 or Stealth DC 20) – You tumble and duck around the supplies in an erratic pattern that should keep you safe from any attacks. Benefit: You and/or Trinia are not targetable by the intruder this round (i.e. she can’t throw stuff at you).
  • This ought to slow her down! (CMB Check DC 15 or Disable Device 20) – You tip over racks of weapons and stacks of crates, hoping to make enough of a mess that the intruder will have to slow down to get through it. Benefit: You and/or Trinia effectively create difficult terrain in this room, slowing the intruder down further (and giving you a bigger boost to your rolls next time).
  • There’s gotta be rope in a supply room, right? (Perception DC 20) – While running through the room, you check some of the boxes/racks for what you want/need later. Benefit: You and/or Trinia pick up a cloak, a 100’ length of rope, or some other item you think you will be useful here (maybe a Net to drop over the intruder or something? Mostly just here to give you a third option.)

Through a Guard Patrol! – Move towards the nearest exit out onto the walls of the citadel – and bump directly into a patrol of guards that’s coming in to try and protect Trinia from the intruder. Of course, they might take offense to the fact that Trinia is wandering around free.

  • I got her, you get her! (Bluff or Intimidate DC 20) – You convince the guards that you’re trying to keep Trinia away form the intruder, and that they should worry about keeping her off your back rather than worry about taking Trinia into custody. Benefit: Bamboozled momentarily, the group of guards do not join in the chase after you, and instead try to slow the invisible intruder down.
  • Coming through! (Acrobatics DC 20 or CMB Check DC 15) – You and/or Trinia shove and tumble your way through the patrol and just keep running, leaving them to figure out what just happened and hopefully get the intruder to blunder right into them. Benefit: You and/or Trinia are not targetable by the intruder this round (i.e. she can’t throw stuff at you).
  • Hey, I could use that, thanks! (Sleight of Hand DC 20) – You purloin a useful item off one of the guards, whether that is a cloak, a length of rope, or some other useful item. Benefit: You and/or Trinia pick up a cloak, a 100’ length of rope, or some other item you think you will be useful here (maybe a Net to drop over the intruder or something? Mostly just here to give you a third option.)

Bellinda Swiftfoot
Female Lawful Good Halfling Bard (w/ 2 Archetypes), Level 5, Init 4, HP 37/37, Speed 30
AC 19, Touch 15, Flat-footed 15, CMD 16, Fort 5, Ref 10, Will 6, CMB +2, Base Attack Bonus 3
“Dawnbringer” (+1 Cold Iron Scimitar) +13 (1d4+10, 18-20/x2)
Light Mace +8 (1d4, 20/x2)
Dagger +8 (1d3, 19-20/x2)
Mithril Shirt (+4 Armor, +4 Dex, +1 Size)
Abilities Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16
Condition Battle Dance (Inspire Courage, +4 vs charm/fear and +4 on attack/damage rolls)
Arcane Strike (+1 damage and magic)
Bellinda catches up to Trinia and pulls her sharply into a large storage area where she knows there is another way out. "This way - lose her in here!" she whispers as she tries to lead the way. Though Bellinda trips and knocks over one crate (likely giving away their direction) she is able to turn that into a trip hazard for their pursuer as she dodges further into the room.

Trinia, for her part, deftly dives through the detritus, leaving the mysterious, would-be assassin to flounder behind them.

Spoiler: Mechanics
Bellinda failed the first check (Stealth) but passed the next two (Acrobatics and Disable Device). Trinia passed her Acrobatics check.

Does that cover my round, @Inspectre?