Ah bugger, lost track of things here for a while, busy couple of weeks recently. Better get a backstory together for Ognen.

On the mech/frame plans topic, this is my first time actually planning on going for a HORUS frame - always found them pretty cool, but then I've always ended up going with something bulky and IPS-N. Guess that's part of why the Lycan appealed, it has that initial bulky defender thing going on but with that bit of HORUS wildness going on under the hood (and the fact that it's a Manticore variant means it's in that subsection of HORUS licenses that goes "okay you're mainly gonna kill people with weapons but here's some fun hacking options to do the thing better"). In general Manticore's always been something I've found cool but not been sure what to do with, so seeing the Lycan having more of a baked-in game plan was kinda appealing.