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Thread: The Crimson Echo Season Four

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Jul 2007

    Default Re: The Crimson Echo Season Four


    Kroft sighs as you appeal to her better nature, setting her pen back into its inkwell and rubbing at her eyes with a tired sigh.

    “Reality does have a way of souring our dreams. My father was an exceptional guardsman, and all I’ve ever wanted was to live up to his legacy. I fear that I’ve made too many mistakes, accepted too many compromises to ever achieve that. I thought it would get easier as I moved up the ranks, got more control over the Guard so I could do more about the corruption, and yet now I find myself mired in this damn city’s politics. The laws are what they are for a reason, and if I simply ignore them then I am no better than that damned Field Marshall Jeggare before me. But now the laws are telling me that I’ve not only got to stand aside while an innocent girl is tortured to death to satisfy someone’s perverted sense of “justice”, but I’ve got to happily serve her up to her murderers as well.”

    Kroft lowers her hand away from her face to clench it into a fist, slamming it into the table with a sharp crack that causes Trinia to jump and flinch back at the sudden outburst of violent anger.

    “If that was the worst of it, I could maybe force myself to accept it. To convince myself that it was a necessary evil for the greater good of rehabilitating the Guard. But now I can’t help but wonder, how many other times did I make that compromise, choose what the law said over what was right? How many times did my willingness to turn a blind eye to this damn city’s corruption result in an innocent losing their life? Their blood is on my hands, Bellinda, and nothing I can do will ever let them be clean again.”

    Kroft sighs again, leaning over her desk to rest her elbows on its surface as she rests her head in her hands.

    “My father would be ashamed of me.”

    She says quietly, more to herself than anyone in the room currently, and while she doesn’t cry or unleash any further outbursts of frustration, she simply sits there for a long few moments, lost in her own thoughts or memories. You take that as a good moment to quietly slip your hand off her knee and over to the belt of keys at her waist, locating the one Trinia told you about, and deftly lifting it off of the ring and into the palm of your hand.

    Either as further cover for your actions or to help break the mood, Trinia then immediately launches into her performance of feeling chilled, prompting Kroft to raise up from her desk and join you over by her. Skeptically, she feels Trinia’s forehead, frowning as she doesn’t seem to feel the same fever that you are sensing, but nonetheless the Field Marshall does seem genuinely concerned about Trinia’s well-being.

    “Maybe I should have Ishani come back – he assured me that poultice would take care of any potential infection. I knew I should have insisted that he cast Remove Disease, but he was adamant not to be wasteful of Abadar’s blessings on problems that might not happen.”

    Kroft chews on her lower lip for a moment, clearly weighing her options before she nods, pushing Trinia to lie back onto the cot and covering her up with the thin blanket she already had.

    “I will be right back – we may still have a few potions of Remove Disease in our stockpile of emergency supplies. Bellinda, keep her calm – I’ll be right back!”

    And then the Field Marshall hurries out of her office, startling the young guardsman outside who hurries to salute pointlessly as Kroft hustles past him, acknowledging his existence with only the briefest of nods before the door to her office falls shut again. Trinia immediately sits up, throwing the blanket aside as she lifts her chained wrist up to you.

    “Aww, I feel kinda bad now – the Field Marshall seems like she actually cares about me. I wasn’t sure if she was keeping me here to stick it to the Asmodeans or just trying to avoid a scandal if I had been found beaten to death in a cell for “trying to escape”. Still don’t trust her to keep me safe if the Arbiters decide to throw me to the wolves though, so let’s get out of here!”

    Moving over to the door, you slip outside first, attempting to get the guard’s attention – that part is successful, but you fail to hold it as the man keeps glancing back into the office with clear curiosity and suspicion – no doubt wondering what had prompted the Field Marshall to hurry out of her office so abruptly. Trinia answers that question a moment later when she tries to slip out through the door, and finds herself getting glared at by the shocked guardsman.

    “Hi there! Did you ever hear the joke about a kobold, a dwarf, and a Varsian walking into a bar?”

    Trinia asks, quickly weaving an enchantment spell into her words . . . that also clearly fails as the guard reaches for his sword and starts shouting an alarm. Weaving a second spell, Trinia asks again, “Okay, so how about this – a thief, a clergyman, and a paladin find themselves in Hell . . .”

    The man finally bursts into laughter, collapsing on the floor as Trinia inclines her head down the hallway in the opposite direction that Kroft had come from. It’s at this point that you start hearing more shouts of alarm from the walls outside of the fortress, being relayed in sequence by patrols. But it’s not a warning about your escape attempt, instead they are shouting – “Intruder in the citadel! Keep all female guards away from the Field Marshall’s office!”

    Not ten seconds later, a female guard with strawberry-colored hair comes sauntering around the corner, munching on an apple. She stops when she sees you and Trinia, her lips pulling back into a cold smile that is not reflected in her slate-grey eyes as she rolls the half-eaten apple off her fingertips to the floor.

    “Well, this certainly makes my job easier.”

    Trinia raises her hand to weave another spell, but the intruder woman is faster, making a complex series of motions with her fingers before she simply blinks out of sight. The hissing rasp of twin blades being pulled from their scabbards coming from where she was standing a moment later confirms that she merely went invisible, and not teleported somewhere.

    “Uh, I think this is the part where we run away!”

    Trinia remarks as she turns and dashes off down the hallway in the opposite direction from where you had been intending to go. With no choice really but to continue following Miss Sabor, you at least had an idea of where this corridor went from previous exploration in plotting out an escape route. Somewhere jingling and tromping behind you, and slowly dropping further behind as her stolen guard chainmail weighs her down, is the invisible intruder, but the noise she’s making definitely confirms that she’s still coming.

    New Challenge! Run away from the scary intruder lady!

    (We are officially in a chase now, and so Taking 10 is no longer an option. The good news is that you are faster than the intruder as her appropriated chainmail has slowed her to 20’ move speed while you and Trinia are at 30’. As such, you will receive a +2 bonus to all of your checks for this leg of the chase.)
    You have a choice of taking one of the following two paths out of here. You and Trinia must each make at least one of the three following checks listed for whichever path you choose. You may also choose to have Bellinda and/or Trinia make two or all three of the checks instead to gain the benefits that passing each of the given checks provide you (they stack). However, if you attempt a check and fail, it does slow you down a bit and gives the intruder a chance to start to catch back up.-

    Through the Supply Room! – Duck through a nearby bulk supply room, weaving around crates and racks of spare armor and weapons, to get to the far side – and maybe find a spare cloak and rope along the way.

    • Weave through the mess (Acrobatics DC 20 or Stealth DC 20) – You tumble and duck around the supplies in an erratic pattern that should keep you safe from any attacks. Benefit: You and/or Trinia are not targetable by the intruder this round (i.e. she can’t throw stuff at you).
    • This ought to slow her down! (CMB Check DC 15 or Disable Device 20) – You tip over racks of weapons and stacks of crates, hoping to make enough of a mess that the intruder will have to slow down to get through it. Benefit: You and/or Trinia effectively create difficult terrain in this room, slowing the intruder down further (and giving you a bigger boost to your rolls next time).
    • There’s gotta be rope in a supply room, right? (Perception DC 20) – While running through the room, you check some of the boxes/racks for what you want/need later. Benefit: You and/or Trinia pick up a cloak, a 100’ length of rope, or some other item you think you will be useful here (maybe a Net to drop over the intruder or something? Mostly just here to give you a third option.)

    Through a Guard Patrol! – Move towards the nearest exit out onto the walls of the citadel – and bump directly into a patrol of guards that’s coming in to try and protect Trinia from the intruder. Of course, they might take offense to the fact that Trinia is wandering around free.

    • I got her, you get her! (Bluff or Intimidate DC 20) – You convince the guards that you’re trying to keep Trinia away form the intruder, and that they should worry about keeping her off your back rather than worry about taking Trinia into custody. Benefit: Bamboozled momentarily, the group of guards do not join in the chase after you, and instead try to slow the invisible intruder down.
    • Coming through! (Acrobatics DC 20 or CMB Check DC 15) – You and/or Trinia shove and tumble your way through the patrol and just keep running, leaving them to figure out what just happened and hopefully get the intruder to blunder right into them. Benefit: You and/or Trinia are not targetable by the intruder this round (i.e. she can’t throw stuff at you).
    • Hey, I could use that, thanks! (Sleight of Hand DC 20) – You purloin a useful item off one of the guards, whether that is a cloak, a length of rope, or some other useful item. Benefit: You and/or Trinia pick up a cloak, a 100’ length of rope, or some other item you think you will be useful here (maybe a Net to drop over the intruder or something? Mostly just here to give you a third option.)

    Spoiler: Intruder Lady Portrait


    Sissyphus is quiet for a long moment after you finish your two minutes, clearly mulling what you’ve told him over. He seems interested in your story at first, although he clearly starts to get bored when you bring the Asmodeans into it. He doesn’t seem particularly on their side; it’s just that the idea that the Asmodeans are up to shady things that might possible benefit them in the future or simply make someone else’s day worse is not news to him. Perhaps in a former Chelish colony where the Asmodeans are ALWAYS up to shady things to make the world a far worse place is just a normal day. Finally, the gnome places his hands on the table in front of him and examines you intently.

    “You got any proof of this? Of the brother’s existence, I mean – and is this the love child of Domina and the devil she sold her soul to for the throne, the real Eodred who was replaced by a human child Domina adopted, or the actual devil sent by Asmodeus Himself to stand guard over Domina’s secrets? Sorry, there’s just been a whole lot of urban legends about the man over the years, so I want to know which one you’re exactly claiming is the truth here.”

    Sissyphus sighs and shakes his head.

    “I don’t doubt that the girl is a proxy for some noble – peasant girls don’t tend to just decide to off the monarch on a whim. Personally, I am really rooting for the theory that the painter girl and the Whore Queen were going hot and heavy in the king’s bed behind his back, and she put the girl up to killing off Eodred to keep the whole affair a secret. Maybe she even thought it would end up with her on the throne at the end of it – the fact that it actually worked out that way for the empty-headed harlot is just proof reality is stranger than fiction! I really don’t know what game the nobles are playing at with propping up Eodred’s last bed-warmer on the throne, but I suppose it’ll all make sense in a few months after the city’s gone to **** and one of the nobles has to step in to take over.”

    Ah, and there it is – the true core of this hateful little troll’s most heartfelt devotion – whether a raging misogynist or simply a hater of all things Cheliax, Sissyphus has decided that he loathes Queen Ileosa with every fiber of his being. He will always believe the worst of her, and will make something up whole-cloth if he can’t find anything to justify his disdain for her on any given day. And as someone in charge of one of Korvosa’s three major gazettes, he is also in a prime position to sway the opinion of the public as well. You think you’ve just found one of the wellsprings for the general citizen’s hatred of Queen Ileosa.

    But how to use that effectively without harming Queen Ileosa’s image further? He had a flicker of interest in the news of Eodred’s half-brother, but apparently there’s been enough whispered rumors and half-truths over the years about Venster that his existence is no longer spicy enough to pique the jaded muckraker’s interest. And muckraker he is – even if you could present hard evidence that the king was murdered by his own half-brother, Sissyphus would still be tempted to release some screed blaming it on Queen Ileosa instead. And no doubt that while he might not spell out his little theory in tonight’s special edition, there was sure to be plenty of innuendo impugning the virtue of both Trinia and Ileosa in that article.

    “Well Mr. Rose, I do appreciate you stopping by, but I do need to get back to it here. Unless there is anything else, do you think you can show yourself out?”

    The gnome says, slipping off his chair and hefting his horn back up.


    Returning from your productive(?) meeting with your guildmaster, you pause a short distance away from the citadel and ponder how you would break into the fortress. It was definitely a daunting proposition – with the normal compliment of guards manning the walls, maybe even all but impossible. Like all older buildings within the city, rumors abounded of secret passages leading up into the depths of the citadel from the sewers – remnants from escape tunnels dug when the fortress was the front and last line of defense for the city against Shoanti raiders. Most of those tunnels were supposed to be sealed up by now, but of course there was always some drunkard who swore they had heard from their friend’s cousin that they had escaped from the citadel using one of those tunnels after getting picked up by the guard.

    The thing is, though, that right now the fortress was no longer with its normal compliment of guards, and that left vulnerabilities like any other undermanned outpost. True, the high walls and strong gates would likely keep out all but the most determined and prepared riotous mob even without many guardsmen available, but for the lone infiltrator there might be gaps in the lookouts and patrols up on the walls that could be exploited. Even so, the citadel’s high and sheer stone walls would be a daunting climb, and a would-be infiltrator would need to actually get to the base of them without being seen on the approach to even get a chance to start the climb before a patrol of guards with bows showed up to foil the attempt.

    There was no real way to approach the walls from the shore – the narrow strip of land connecting the citadel to the city proper was under full watch of the front gates and guardhouses, and only a narrow ledge stretched out from either side of the entrance to wrap around eventually around to the back of the citadel. Alright, so you would have to approach from the river that buttressed the citadel on three sides – that meant either a boat or swimming. A boat could be fairly easily seen, and while the Jeggare River was not that hazardous to swim in there were enough reefclaws and devilfish beneath the waves to add some risk without the guards even needing to cultivate water-based defenses of their own.

    So the only really easy way to get into the fortress would be to disguise yourself as one of the guards and just walk in, hoping to be able to bluff your way through the front gates by pretending to be a new guard called in. Here, the guards’ depleted number might actually work against such a plot, given the reduced numbers also meant a much tighter-knit group of people, who would recognize and know each other, at least enough to spot a brazen fake walking right up to them.

    You’re still mulling over how you’d talk your way in when there is a sudden commotion by the front gates, and the guards manning the barricades start running back inside as the heavy gates begin to swing closed. Shouts of “intruder! Don’t let any female guards near the Field Marshall’s office!” ring out over the distance to your sharp ears, along with a fainter cry coming from up along the walls of “Jailbreak! Jailbreak, go into lockdown! The Kingslayer has escaped!”

    Darvin & Jeqem

    Reunited in the courtyard with a new potential lead and some surprises for any would-be rioters, the two of you mount up on Dalen’s conjured steeds and move to take your leave of the citadel. You are just out through the main gates when there is a sudden hue and cry up on the walls, stirring the already agitated guardsmen manning the front gates into a swarming hive of activity.

    Shouts of “intruder! Don’t let any female guards near the Field Marshall’s office!” sound out from the walls, joined shortly thereafter by another cry - “Jailbreak! Jailbreak, go into lockdown! The Kingslayer has escaped!” Godsdamnit, what has Aliani done now?

    Regardless of what has prompted this sudden excitement, the guards are rushing to close the front gates behind you as part of some security protocol, even though any intruder or escaping prisoner would have to be suicidal to try and cut their way out through the over dozen guardsmen manning the gates at this moment. You could leave the guards and those of your fellowship that are still in Citadel Volyshenek – certainly Bellinda and Arin if Aliani hasn’t already returned, to deal with this latest mess, so that you can press on to actually try and investigate Adonis Kreed’s secretive plea/offer for help – or stay and try to talk your way back into the citadel to deal with whatever catastrophe has befallen Trinia now (requiring a Diplomacy DC 15 check – yes, I know Dalen can make that in his sleep, it’s the principle of the thing damnit. If your loyalties were more questionable, it would be a lot higher. )

    Spoiler: Dalen only

    There has been something nagging at you from the back of your mind since going down to see Adonis Kreed. Something familiar, that you were failing to remember . . . something about apples . . . and as the shouts of "intruder! Keep the female guards away from the Field Marshall's office!" ring out, your brain finally clicks it into place. Back in a previous world, from the first time you had met Adonis Kreed.

    The soft crunch of someone biting into a juicy apple from somewhere above you directs your attention briefly upward, where you see a young woman with strawberry blond hair sitting on a nearby rooftop, enjoying an apple as she enjoys the show – suggesting that not every onlooker is watching this unfold from out on the streets. She gestures a greeting with the bitten apple in her hand at you, then returns her attention to the man on the fountain. Below her perch is a narrow dark alley that Dalen could dunk into to cast spells unseen by the crowd at large, although that would leave him rather far away from the fountain and the half-elven man (let’s go with around 100 feet, so Close/Short range is out, but medium & long range spells should still reach him from here).


    As Adonis surfaces from the pool, you quietly enact your spell and focus your will upon the lawyer. Unfortunately, either due to possessing an unexpectedly strong-will, the elven half of his heritage, or simply poor luck, you feel your spell break and fall away without taking its proper effect. Briefly, you see Adonis scan the crowd, clearly aware that someone had just attempted to cast a spell on him, although you do not believe that he manages to pick you out of the crowd in particular. That cold sensation of having a spell bounce against your will may have perhaps spooked the man, however, and been the final straw in his attempt to beat a hasty retreat out of here through the disintegrating crowd.

    Rhetoric provides a troubling update on his own a moment later as you sense his frustration and confusion through your mental link. His frustration is short-lived, however, to be replaced with joy. Looking back towards the roof as you sense him slowly returning back to you, you see your familiar approaching with a half-eaten apple wedged in his beak. Clearly the girl was gone, perhaps simply leaving via the nearby rooftop window once the excitement of the imminent riot was quashed. But her sudden disappearance is troubling nonetheless, although given the apple is already half-eaten the only worry there should be Rhetoric developing a taste for sweets.

    And then just a few minutes ago, in this world . . .

    Whether by luck or intention, it appears that they also cleared out the cells, leaving it obvious which one was the only one occupied presently. A guard is also present down here, a young woman with her vivid strawberry-pink hair pulled up into a bun at the back of her head. She is speaking quietly to the only cell’s occupant, casually munching on a crisp apple. She glances over to see you coming, and straightens up, tossing the half-eaten fruit into the cell through the bars before turning and walking away, giving a crisp salute to Grau as she passes the two of you to take up a position near the bottom of the stairway to give you privacy.

    Coming up to the cell door alongside Grau, you see the cell’s occupant is indeed Adonis Kreed, slimeball lawyer and rabble rouser for hire. Despite being locked up in a cell, the lawyer is still dressed in a tastefully cut silk vest, shirt, and pants, his suit coat balled up underneath his head with his hands as he lounges on the bed, legs propped up against the cell door’s bars. He eyes your offered hand with an amused smile, but does not get up.

    That girl, slightly different appearance, no doubt why your mind hadn't immediately recognized her, but it was the same WOMAN. Kreed's little apple-munching shadow.


    Bidding adieu to Blackjack for now, you hustle back down from the highest tower of Citadel Volyshenek, screaming bloody murder as you dash headlong back towards the Field Marshall’s office. Various patrols of guards on the walls who hear your shout of alarm pass it along, and the citadel immediately erupts into a flurry of activity as efforts are made to lock the fortress down. That might well make things difficult for a certain vigilante, but given he was self-professed here to kidnap (was it really kidnapping when it was a jailbreak?) Trinia Sabor, well, nuts to him.

    Unfortunately, as you start getting back down to the walls that would lead you along to doors leading into the citadel’s keep, you start hearing back another shout from the guards – “Jailbreak! The Kingslayer has escaped! Lockdown the citadel!”

    The work of your mysterious intruder? Blackjack (how’d he pull *that* off?)? Or some other third-party . . . or perhaps even Trinia Sabor herself, given the Field Marshall’s office and being shackled to a cot therein was hardly a high-security prison. Whatever the cause, you only see patrols of guardsmen frantically moving about the walls at the moment, a few heading inside to the keep and presumably to the Field Marshall’s office, but no one looking particularly suspicious at the moment.

    On the plus side, despite your small size and thus gait, you manage to scamper down from a few platforms down to the next section of wall below, and thus make it back to a door leading inside the keep in record time. Hopefully you weren’t going to be too late!

    (Next update, Arin will join in the chase involving Bellinda, Trinia, and the intruder, plus any guards or other parties *cough* Blackjack *cough* who want to get involved. Where-in she will be able to help or hinder Trinia’s escape as she sees fit!)
    Last edited by Inspectre; 2024-03-22 at 10:32 PM.
    I didn't actually intend to kill EVERYONE. It just sort of happened.

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