Quote Originally Posted by KorvinStarmast View Post
We did that last year during the Fire Giant module from TFtYP...to more than one drow.
I expect in the same area we were in!

My fighter was at 17hp and on the other side of the bridge with several drow in sight. I figured I wasn't going to survive another turn, with all my resources exhausted, so I put away the greatsword, grabbed two drow, and dunked them in the river. Miraculously I find myself still up for another turn, and grab another drow. DM rules that I can throw the drow in by making a non-proficient Str ranged attack roll against AC 18 because the drow is kicking and fighting me. So I move to the drow, use 1 attack for the grab, use a second attack for the throw. Don't hit the AC, so the DM rolls to determine where he lands. He lands right next to the river of lava. I use remainder of my move to go back and use my final attack to shove him in. A third dead drow.

Player playing the monk says "You should have opened with that" lol, but obviously the encounter didn't even start in that area. Really need to have a talk with the group about wandering off to different areas of the map while a full blown encounter is happening...