Bommel squints up at the goblin trying to poison him, hops up and slaps the bad stuff out of the goblin's hand. "Drinking poison is bad for you! Carrot juice makes you strong! And no more being meanies, you hear?" And with the goblins told, Bommel bommels away to bommel some sense into the meanie dwarf mageytypes!

Thus, he lands on the head of the dwarf near Impigo to deliver some corrective blobbing, before jumping off to do the same with the other dwarf near Morazzt.

Spoiler: Actions
Full Action Moving and full attack dwarf in J16, then P15! All attacks count as magic and adamantine, and deal nonlethal damage at no penalty. Power Attack -2 to-hit for +4 damage.
Bite (at J16) (1d20+16)[34], for (1d3+14)[17] physical damage
Ear 1 (at J16) (1d20+16)[31], for (1d2+8)[9] piercing and slashing damage
Ear 2 (at P15) (1d20+16)[23], for (1d2+8)[10] piercing and slashing damage
Unarmed blob 1 (at P15) (1d20+17)[22], for (1d2+8)[9] piercing and slashing damage
Unarmed blob 2 (at P15) (1d20+12)[32], for (1d2+8)[10] piercing and slashing damage

Gains concealment from Child of Shadows stance for moving 10+ft, until the start of Bommel's next turn.