Quote Originally Posted by Plaids View Post
Hercules nods back to Sleeper acknowledging his casual approval of the forthright plan and leaps down towards a green lawn.
The artificial turf quakes and black rubber grains fly into the air as heads turn towards the chiseled Olympian who fell from the sky. Dusting himself off he exuberantly greets the first responders.

Greetings fine men and women of public safety. I Hercules have need of you aid. I seek Electro and Mysterio, otherwise known as Dillon and Beck. Have thou uncovered any tracks or evidence of their whereabouts?
Most of the police personnel jump as Hercules appears from the sky. After a minute, one of them speaks up, "Wish we could help you, Hercules, but we got nothin'. A bunch of witnesses saw them get broken out, and then it's like they vanished. Beats me how a guy like the Rhino can disappear like that."

Quote Originally Posted by Kareeah_Indaga View Post
Sleeper faded out of sight briefly before climbing down the building. He chose a different approach from Hercules, found an out-of-sight place to reappear, then looked for the least busy first responder available to approach.

Excuse me! Excuse me! You, sir! Can you tell me what happened here?
"Oh!" gasps the man that Sleeper approaches. "I'm supposed to direct any reporters to the Public Affairs Office. All I can do is give you their number, sorry."

Quote Originally Posted by DammitVictor View Post
Kaine gives his erstwhile allies a bit of a headstart, a little bit of time to engage with the first responders, before casually walking down to the scene. He slips under the yellow crime scene tape and follows his nose.
With Hercules and Sleeper running interference, Kaine is able to slip in and investigate a bit. He manages to catch the trail and slip away from the scene. Once Hercules and Sleeper rejoin him (I think that's the plan?), the three begin moving across town. From the busier, commercial areas, they travel to a more rundown industrial area on the waterfront.

Eventually, the trail leads into a large construction site. Although about two stories of steel girders poke up from the site, the fences, hills of dirt, and construction vehicles make it impossible to get a good view inside from the ground level.