I found the sequel to be disappointing. It actually felt to me to be even more setup than the first one.

Part 1 at least had the fall of House Atreides to frame the setup. Part 2 felt like a lot of... I don't know, talking, thinking, etc. The action wasn't really there for me.

I have to second the sentiments about Jessica's and Chani's portrayals. Wasn't crazy about the changes. I may just be tired of all the depictions of angry disgruntled frustrated protags in cinema these days, but more than that, Chani's portrayal makes me wonder why these two are in love and how they will commit to each other in the future. We're talking about a fundamental difference of opinion here, with billions of lives at stake, and they've chosen Chani and Paul to take opposite sides of this conflict. Seems like a strange choice to me. They both obviously care very deeply, so not sure how to reconcile that with "love".

I don't recall much from the books at this point but seems to me the movies will have Paul realize he is motivated by revenge, and he will have a change of heart, enough to reconcile with Chani, but by then it will be too late and they will have to navigate/lead the holy war together.

Christopher Walken was an unfortunate casting decision.