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Thread: Scion: Hero (IC)

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Default Re: Scion: Hero (IC)

    "The question I have, if I may say so, is more practical than theoretical."

    Julian paused, a look of open distrust crossing his face.

    „ We find ourselves guided by the narrative of a woman unknown to us, her origins and intentions shrouded in mystery. It is our duty, borne of righteousness, to embark upon a thorough investigation prior to the contemplation of reclaiming assets from those who may, in truth, be rightful guardians of said artifact. Might this object have been bestowed upon them as a farewell token in times long past? Our understanding of the accused is solely painted by the account of this single informant, her credibility hinging on her singular success in reaching out to us. Is such evidence alone sufficient to cast the shadow of guilt?
    While interpretations of justice may diverge, we must acknowledge a timeless wisdom: amidst strangers, caution is prudent."

    Julian paused, aware of how his words sounded. Since the visitation, there were moments, despite not having spent every waking moment together growing up, when he found himself echoing his father, Osiris. The visitation left him with memories that were not his own. It seemed Osiris's distrust, had been passed down to him. He wondered if others had similar dreams. Regardless, it served as a reminder of an important task still at hand.

    „I apologize. Yes morality is a essential point. That drives towards more investigation.“
    Last edited by Justanotherhero; 2024-03-18 at 01:26 AM.