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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Pathfinder in the Realms: The Sunless Citadel

    The original recruiting thread has just closed, and those of us who weren’t selected have enough ready-built characters to form a second party. All we need now is a DM willing to run The Sunless Citadel using PF1 rules.

    The original concept involved setting the Sunless Citadel in the Forgotten Realms, but that isn’t strictly necessary; the module is designed to fit into any similar setting. That said, the Realms would be preferred, both for nostalgia and because we designed our characters with the Realms in mind.

    So, is there a DM out there who’d be willing to run this module for us?


    EDIT: Here are the characters that are ready to go:

    Player Character Character Class
    ProgressPaladin Caden Gunslinger
    Yas392 Guru S-Class Cryptic
    Shiro_Nogard Damian Mako Artisan; sheet Done)
    Athaleon Variel Karsomyr Mystic
    Palanan Nimisheo Unicorn Sorcerer
    Last edited by Palanan; 2024-03-24 at 09:59 AM.