Heck with it, I've been lurking for a bit and I figure I'll throw a character in as well. I'm pretty much a complete newbie to Lancer but I keep thinking it looks neat (if complicated). Been tinkering on COMP/CON with a Hacker build, started to write a summary here and wound up doing a whole backstory so here it is:

Spoiler: Marin Bonheur // V00D00

Born in Klataua, Marin's mother served in the Albatross Wing, and was one of the few who sided with the Governess in the end. Despite this, she always felt regret at having turned against her purpose and a lingering bitterness for the government. Her father did mostly clerical work in the historical archives, and was a quiet but curious man, sharing his love of knowledge with his daughter.

In her early teens her father uncovered some particularly heinous information about the government's activities in the war, and when he spoke out about it he was sent to Golgotha. His arrest sent her mother into a deep spiral of depression as she lost a great deal of standing, as well as the man she'd loved. When he died in a 'mining accident' a few months later it got even worse.

Always a technical whiz-kid, Marin started hacking systems for fun, mostly to see if she could do it at first. Working her way up the ladder of system encryptions before finally uncovering her father's arrest report. Incensed at what she saw there, she decided to start mining similar systems for damning info and dumping it in public access nodes under the alias V00D00-CH17D.

The authorities caught up with 'Voodoo-Child' when she seemed to have finally gotten overconfident enough to leave a trail. Her mother was once again spared arrest due to her 'services to the Government,' but Marin Bonheur aka Voodoo-Child was sentenced to life in Golgotha prison. Unbeknownst to anyone but the hacker herself, this was all part of a plan. The prison's archives operate on a closed system, the only way to plunder them would be from within the prison itself. Records of her father's 'accident' should still be in there somewhere.

Since being imprisoned, Voodoo has mostly been associating with Liz & SLATE, complimenting their physical engineering with her own software skills.

The actual mechanics are something I'm still trying to wrap my head around, but the idea of a Controller/Support focus seems interesting.