I saID StoP CuTTiNg PeOPle, it'S RUde! YoU arE A baD PErsON! Morazzt the Mound gurgles at the Saw Dwarf, giving it one more good squeeze and one more slap over the head, the thick, moist matter of Morazzt the Mound continuing to undulate about the saw.

Spoiler: OOC

Morazzt the MOund immediate action negates half of all damaeg dealt once more (Thick Vegetation); throws in
some more squeezing, with Constrict: (1d20+16)[32] for (2d6+6)[17];
free action heals half that damage (Fertilizer);
tries to punch the Dwarf once more with Crusader's Strike: (1d20+6)[19] for (3d6+4)[12],
healing the big metallic Mound for (1d6+3)[4] hp if it hits,
and helaing Morazzt the Mound for 2 hp if it hits.

Meanwhile, let's see the timer on Rotting Suffocation: (2d4)[7]