Festival End:

Sakuma's attention wanders away from Gosei-Sensei's speech almost immediately, instead he replays the events of the day in his mind over and over again. Especially the High Strangeness of the Test of Courage... he'd kept his ears open the rest of the day, and hadn't seen or heard anyone else having such a... surreal experience.

He frowned, appearing to the casual observer to be completely locked in on Gosei-Sensei, arms and legs crossed, completely still.

He starts to rise from his seat as the principal concludes his speech, but plops right back down when the Police Chief takes the stage and begins to talk.

He has Sakuma's interest in earnest.

With each pronouncement, Sakuma feels that same unreal/too-real sensation from before, like he's watching events unfolding on someone else's life rather than his own.

Missing people?
The Fog?!

We go from nobody's even talking about this to the police chief giving an announcement during the move-in festival?

Something doesn't add up.

Later that night:

Sakuma sat holding his camera, reviewing the pictures he'd taken the day, discarding the ones that didn't meet his exacting standards. The voice in his head he only recognized from forgotten nightmares jolted him, causing him to fumble to keep from dumping his camera to the floor. He set it aside carefully.

His hands, seemingly of their own accord, retrieved the Tarot card he'd received earlier. That same marionette sensation continued as he heaved himself jerkily to his feet and shuffled after his suite-mates down to the basement.

Seeing in his mind's eye a clear picture of an investigator in a tan long-coat holding up a warding talisman against an onrushing, eldritch horror, Sakuma warded himself with the Tarot card, echoing Arata's movements, and speaks the words.

OOC: Chretien is next.