Kahealahana Holt
Encryption 0


The Children of the Sun
Given the value refining coral would provide, we are valuing it at the services of 2 crafters. Though if this price is too great we could potentially work out a larger scale trade to make such a deal work. Perhaps something like 1 coral and 1 wayfinder for 2 craftsmen and a t1 resource?

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana


The Sunken Eyed Raiders
Who would cause such damage to you and yours? We could potentially assist your cause, since you have been valuable trade partners these past season, and we would like to see that maintained. Our people are not as great as some at warcraft, but you will find us steadfast allies in a crisis.

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana

The Depth Farmers
Could we perhaps persuade you to trade craftsmen to us this season in exchange for the reverse next season? While this council wouldn’t quite go so far as to call the present situation dire, it would greatly help us if we could assemble just a few more craftsmen this season in order to make our trading in future seasons as smooth as possible. We would certainly not leave you empty handed this season of course, and depending on your needs we could certainly tilt the trade in your favour next season for the inconvenience this season.

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana