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Thread: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Default Re: 1001 Homebrew Magic Items

    399: Handy Notebook

    A small lead charm such as might dangle from a charm bracelet, when held and invoked, becomes a sheaf of writing paper, parchment, papyrus, or whatever is common for the society of the charm's creator. The 25 pages are loosely bound and each is easily removed from the notebook. Pages removed from the notebook are ordinary, and in no case are they of sufficient quality for use as spell book or scroll media.

    A wooden stylus with a graphite core appears with the notebook. Notes written in the book are not lost when the notebook is reduced back to charm size, but pages removed are gone. More blank pages can be added by a process similar to recharging magic items.

    400: Figurines of Squires

    These two-inch lead figurines can be invoked and they assume the form of squires, each having a specific function.
    Groom: will tend a single horse, feeding, watering, currying, etc. as an expert in animal care. He has tools, but no tack, feed, or water, which must be made available for his use.
    Can be invoked once per day, and remains animate until the assigned horse is properly groomed.
    Batman: will care for the personal needs of the invoker, as a valet. He also cares for the cleaning and maintenance of arms and armor, setting up campsite amenities, and serves, (but does not cook,) meals.
    Can be invoked up to eight times per day, for a total of eight hours per day.
    Cook: will prepare meals using supplied cooking utensils and ingredients. Such meals require 1d12x10 minutes to prepare. The cook will not wash dishes, nor will he cook use dirty utensils.
    The Cook comes with a cookbook detailing the gear and ingredients required to make 5d8 gourmet meals. The gear costs 120gp, and may be reused until lost or damaged. Each of the up to 40 gourmet meals costs 5d8 GP per person and requires 4d6x10 minutes to prepare. As each unique recipe is generated, the cost for that meal and the time required to prepare it remains the same every time that masterwork meal is prepared.
    The cook can be invoked three times each day, and will revert to figurine form when it has completed a meal or reached a point where the meal cannot be completed.
    Clerk: will maintain an orderly office space, take dictation or make copies of letters, copy drawings, plans, or designs. It can write in any language spoken to it, and can read aloud any non-magical wrighting in the language in which it was written, (but it cannot translate between languages.) It will not remember even simple codes, but if asked to retrieve a specific item in its office space it will do so.
    The clerk can be invoked up to eight times in a day, for a cumulative total not exceeding eight hours.
    Herald: can serve in two roles. The first is as a personal attendant who walks (or rides) ahead of the one who invoked it. In this form it can be dressed any way the invoker desires, appearing male, female, or otherwise. While it cannot use weapons, it can wear them. It can carry a scroll, standard, or other heraldic device, and it can speak 25 words or less, (multiple times, if desired,) as determined by the one who invoked it. Examples include announcing the invoker when a specific place is entered or speaking a phrase every two hundred paces as they travel through a town.
    The second function acts as a Sending Spell except that the figurine sends a full-sized illusion of itself to the recipient, and everyone in sight and hearing will be able to see and hear it. After it repeats its reply from the recipient it will revert to figurine form.
    The first mode can be invoked up to eight times per day for a total of eight hours while the second can be used only once a day. In any 24 hour period only one of the two modes can be used.

    (More as time permits)

    401: Chess Pieces

    A box containing red and white chess pieces unfolds to form a chessboard. It is a masterwork box, with cutout slots for each piece lined with green felt.
    The chess pieces are also works of art. They are figurines which create various soldiers. Each can be used only once, and when the soldier is killed or the time expires, the piece turns black, and either glossy, (red pieces,) or matte, (white pieces.) The chess pieces may not be healed in any way, nor may they be repaired, refurbished, or recharged.
    Pawns wear studded leather armor, carry a metal shield, and wield a half-spear with a backup short sword. They are level 2 fighters, and persist for two hours, faithfully following simple instructions.
    Knights are equipped with chainmail-barded warhorses, and they wear full plate, carry a metal shield, lance, and longsword. They are level 4 fighters, and persist for up to 4 hours. They do not dismount.
    Bishops are equipped with half-plate, tower shields, and +1 maces. They are level 6 Clerics, and can cast spells either in combat or at the request of the invoker. Their spell list is determined by the DM, and they cannot cast spontaneously. They last up to six hours.
    Rooks are stone forts which, once invoked, remain stationary until destroyed or eight hours has elapsed. They are 35 feet high, 20 feet diameter, with crenelated walls tops. Two floors, at fifteen and thirty feet, are accessed via a stairway which is built into the outer wall. The double door, at the ground floor, is made of steel bound timbers eight inches thick, with two steel locking bars. It is eight feet tall and six feet wide. The ground floor is stone and there are no windows or other openings into the ten-foot diameter room. The second floor is supported by wooden beam arches, and decked with thick wooden planks. It has eight embrasures in the outer wall which are crossletted, allowing any point outside to be covered by at least three. The upper deck is also beam arch construction, but its deck is the exposed roof. It is covered in 4 inch thick pavers, except where the stair penetrates it. The stair hatch is 3 feet wide by 5 feet long, constructed of 4 inch thick steel-bound timbers, with a steel locking bar. Above the door two murder holes allow a defender to fire down or to pour liquids or other substances on anyone in front of the door.
    At each of the eight embrasures stands a level 1 fighter wearing leather armor and armed with a crossbow. These crossbows magically generate an unlimited supply of crossbow bolts, but if the crossbowman is disarmed or the weapon taken, the crossbowman, crossbow, and all bolts fired dissolve into smoke. The one who invoked the rook can direct the crossbowmen to target specific targets or move to different points within the fort. They cannot leave the fort, and vanish if forced to.
    Queens wear monk robes which grant 10 points of damage reduction to physical attacks, and grant immunity to force damage. They are level 10 monks, and remain for ten hours after being invoked.
    Kings wear robes of elemental resistance which grants 20 points of resistance to fire, water, earth, air, positive, and negative energy. The King is a level 13 sorcerer, whose spell list is generated by the DM. It will cast spells at request, if the spell is available, but otherwise it performs as instructed for up to 13 hours. It cannot rest and recover spells.
    Last edited by brian 333; 2024-03-16 at 07:52 PM.