Creeping down the dirt road and into the pit would be touch and go for the pair as they moved forward, there was precious little cover in on the track bar the shadows being cast by the lamps on their way down, fortunately if they were being watched by some concealed agent of Father Pleasance's cult they chose not to intervene and make their presence known just yet.

Once they were in the pit things were a little better, piles of rubble and the abandoned heavy vehicles left behind from the mine's glory days providing much better opportunities to stay out of sight while they approached lift but as they got close the sound of rumbling machinery began to come from somewhere in the earth deep below them, the platform rising back up to reveal a towering silver figure staring out impassively with its cold mechanical eyes, marching forward with loud clunky steps but not moving more than a few feet away from the lift.

On the plus side it didn't appear to have spotted either of our two heroes, for the moment anyway.