The Kahealahana Holt
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The Opae
A fine deal, though our own small folk are remarkably precious after the storms of last season. 1 villager for 1 craftsmen, and we will send a stone this season as a simple favour between friends. Skies know we owe you after lending your warriors and drones before.

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana

The Raxithakra
If your crafters are unavailable we have tragically little trade to engage in this season. Our needs are remarkably specific this season due to how the balance sheets are working out after the storm. Should your craftsmen become available due to any shifting circumstances, we would happily reopen this discussion.

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana

The Children of the Sun
Your offer of trading blue shells is unfortunately still not going to fit into our trade balances this season once again, but if you are seeking wayfinders, or corals and jade, the flotsam has blown in options for such trades, and we continue to need craftsmen. Given your recent victories I’m sure you have plenty!

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana

The Endless Gaze
Greetings once more to the watchers in the waters. Has your brotherhood any need of resources or the services of our castemen? We seek traders, and have missed opportunities to trade with your folk in previous seasons.

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana


The Sunken Eyed Raiders
Greetings once again warriors, we seek trade for your craftsmen should they be available. We have the services of our warriors or a few resources available if you are looking for resources once more.

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana

The Depth Farmers
Greetings to new acquaintances! Our council is recently arrived in the Green Sea, and our code is trade and prosperity, which from what little we have seen of your people is a trait you share. Would you be interested in establishing ties? This season alone we are seeking craftsmen, and in some numbers. We would be willing to trade resources, food, or the services of our own castefolk in exchange.

The Urkit Council of Kahealahana

Can we message and/or trade with NPCs whose seas we have not charted?