Lovely, thinks Impigo, battle at last against these no-good dwarfs!

He dips a tiny arrow with poison and shoots at the magic looking dwarf across the room, Impigo, an honorable duelist, has no honor to spare for those who enrage the Mound!

Spoiler: Finally, a mage!
Swift, adopt Punishing stance.
Move: draw bow an arrow and dip the arrow in poison.
Standard: Shoot at the dwarf at J 14 with no warning. (1d20+14)[33] damage (1d3)[2] if the creature can cast spells (divine or arcane) then add 5+ highest spell level to damage.
Dispelling effect from arrows: Will DC 19 or creature struck gets all their items dispelled.
Posion: Fort negates DC17 (1d6)[1] dex damage