Yes thats the entire point im making. She absolutely didnt need to stay up all night to do something slightly dodgy that would leave her seriously sick the next day.
But she did so anyway, because it would mess the team up otherwise.

I completely disagree that there would be any spillover she could not have handled much easier, if that had been her only concern.
As such she didnt really need to care about people being a little upset with Parfait. The one whose oppinion actually mattered on the subject influenced.
And Max banished her from base either way, it being about the extend of what she could do anyway without causing a major incident.

So i simply cant see what sort of spillover Dabbler should care about for herself.
As i already mentioned once. She got perfect cover in "it wasnt me". Thats it. Anyone trying to pin collective demon blame on her,
faces the problem of having to shoulder collective human blame.

And that being besides the other point you ignored, of Dabbler being a 300 year old succubus. I refuse to believe the majority of the team could stay mad at her.

even without that she tends to run the line of tolerable.
But no thats the case. She doesnt. She runs the line with Max because she likes to push her buttons.
Max is fiercely dedicated to being just and logical. So she wont allow what someone else did to influence stuff with Dabbler.
The rest of the team likes her. That i think is pretty clear in all their interactions.