Mateusz and Helena went out of the meeting place and to flat that Mateusz was living in.

- What do you think? A kingdom for your thoughts – Mateusz said to his friend during the commute back home.

- It’s good that you will have access to the Stars Purviews, that’s for sure – answered she.

- And beyond that?

- We might be searching for a bladeof King Artur, we know very little right now and we have yet to assess how dangerous and sly these goat-men can be… - she sighed – I know you are a godly being, but not the whole world is. Plus your focus is mind, not body. I’m simply worried for you, is all – she did not look him in the eye, though.

- And…? - Mateusz sensed she wanted to say something else.

- You see… - began Helena – If this is truly the sword in the stone, things might get nasty. I know you aren't completely undefensive, but there are still scions… and beings… more powerful than you. Also, I know pretty well this isn’t the quiet, meditative life you always strived for. That’s unfair.

- Oh, Helenka – he looked as she in an affeccionate way – This is true, but you know very well it is not the complete truth. Yes, I wanted to lead a scientist’s life instead of jumping to America in order to fight gods-know-what monstrosities. But there is also beauty, honor and joy in what we have to do. I mean, I am still in a better situation than, let’s say, Warsavians during the Second World War, right?

- Eh… - was all Helena had to say – Maybe. But a war is a war. Even if you get nice gifts as an incentive.


In flat of Mateusz, they turned on their laptops and started Google-ing all the things that could be useful – including a list of books to get later at a local library.

Of course, they also had tasty tea and some snacks to go with it.

Helena was a common quest at the home of Mateusz and had even her own desk and chair just in case they should do something together – exactly like right now. Helena, though, had her own apartament not many paces from Mateusz’s.