Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
The premise of the world's first goblin adventuring party seems to go against what Elli wants to write, in which the protagonists are almost entirely reactive.

And now I'm trying to figure out if I'm right to think that she presents being proactive rather than reactive entirely in negative terms. Kore thinks he wants to commit genocide and appears to actually want to commit omnicide. Dellyn wanted the helpless adoration of every human in Brassmoon and to brutalize every nonhuman in existence. Duv wanted to force all goblins into a genocidal dictatorship. Minmax was also genocidal until Kin ran into him and has been purely reactive since then. The goblins...started out with "we set up in one place and wait to be killed," almost literally. As a reaction to their warcamp being destroyed they showed a very brief spurt of being positively proactive which led to the goblin who had provided the impetus for it nearly killing a child and getting MONSTER carved into his forehead, and have been reacting to things that come flying at them ever since then.
Proactive adventurers have a pretty significant overlap with murderhobos. Theyre people who are crazy or dysfunctional enough they cant make a living in a more normal, less life threatening way. They dont necessarily HAVE to be bad guys, but its an easy line to cross.