Well, I'm Guldes Shen'dem and I promise you all a meal you won't forget.

Bommels question get's answered immediately while preparations for a meal are made. It seems to involve some sulfur, gold powder and a weird earthy smelling paste. All thrown on the open grill.

Yes! I came up with the name! Swimming in the lake is easy you just have to be convinced that you don't get burned. A short pause. I don't really get why others have problems with that though.

There's a snort regarding Morazzt comment and the dark-skinned elf seems a little afraid, even after Morazzt made his comment a bit clearer.

Bommel get's a sizable mushroom salad (as big as Bommel) interspersed with bits of meat and sweet fruits that are dripping with honey, garnished with gold flakes.

Impigo get's a dish which almost smells like hell, having several filled hot peppers baked in sulfur.

Finally Morazzt get's a... Steaming pile of earth? Which is actually a pile of different minerals, moisture and manure, heated to the point that makes absorption effortless.

Guldes leaves the grill for a moment and sits beside you.

Say could you help me out a bit? I have a pretty big cellar that seems to be connected to other dwarven cellars and there's... Well I don't really know a weird sound everytime I go in there. I don't really have time to search for it and I'm also a little bit afraid here. If you could take a look you can eat a week for free, what do you say?