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Thread: Doom of Daggerdale (3.5)

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    Bugbear in the Playground
    Malphegor's Avatar

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    May 2018

    Default Re: Doom of Daggerdale (3.5)

    I've got a half-baked, completely unoptimised face type build that might suit this.

    Stanly Foole, a down on his luck entertainer turned adventurer

    Dragon Shaman (Blue) 3/Beguiler X/Gnome Artificer Y

    all complete X classes, or from magic of faerun

    Spoiler: Backstory
    From a line of gnome fools, bards, and jesters, once performing for dragons on the island of Lantan and their descendants, but in recent generations usually taverns, or more often than not, on the street, Stanly wandered into this region in the hope that somebody, anybody, would enjoy his ventriloquism act...
    But then somebody stole his puppet, and his horse got stolen due to being unlawfully parked in what seemed to be a public hitching post but was actually a reserved spot for some fancy pants offical person- in fact the person that he was trying to get work with, who wanted nothing to do with him when it turned out it was his horse.

    Stanly is down on his luck, a bit miserable, and currently seeking any work that'll turn the eternal downturn of his entire line back into an upswing.

    feats Planned
    Spoiler: Feats

    1: Lightning Reflexes
    3: Skill Focus: Craft (Trapmaking)
    6: Prone Attack

    logic- first two are just PRC requirements, getting them out of the way, following up on that, I really like the idea of doing a pratfall in combat, firing off an attack, then getting up like it wasn't anything. With a bluff check, one could make the case that it appears as if we 'accidentally' fire gnome artificer devices as we gain levels. Not that I expect to get downtime to craft em, but eh, if that's not appropriate for the kind of adventure this is I'd switch the feats to diplomacy-boosting stuff and go into combat trapsmith for quickly built booby traps

    Overall plans for the character
    Spoiler: Overall plans for the character

    1. Rags to riches type adventure, using adventuring and saving the world from whatever calamity happens in this adventure (I've skimmed it before, there's a disease I think? Their dragon shaman heal to half hp is probably gonna be useful there) to fix what he sees as his family's curse.
    2. Fire oversized Lantan magitech, because everyone loves it when the clown has a flamethrower
    3. Not be a bard despite being somewhat charisma focused because I've been playing so many full spell casters and near-spell casters, it's nice to have a guy who's just whatever gear he can craft up over time if things take that long and abilities and none of that spellcasting muck (Beguiler is just there for spell prereqs, on account for dragon shaman's ventriloquism probably not counting for Gnome Artificer)

    Final query: what kind of adventure is it, is it preferable to have characters who do stuff snappily and improvise as things are fast moving or is there likely to be a lot of downtime between encounters?

    If it's the former then yeah scrap everything in the above build but dragon shaman (that passive healing to half max hp is nice and at will ventriloquism is a handy tool to have) and then I'd be going towards combat trapsmith for full round action trapmaking

    (also if the rest of the party is medium sized swap gnome for human)
    Last edited by Malphegor; 2024-03-05 at 04:54 PM.