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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Dangerous Old Men & Women (5e, high level NPC combat testing) IC

    Merry Mann
    High Elf Abjuration Wizard 11
    AC: 18 | HP: 67/57+10 | Initiative: +3(A)
    Saves: STR: +1 | DEX: +3 | CON: +1 | INT: +9 | WIS: +4 | CHA: -1
    Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4 | 2nd: 2/3 | 3rd: 2/3 | 4th: 1/3 | 5th: 1/2 | 6th: 1/1
    Spell DC: 20 Spell Atk: +12
    Arcane Ward: 27/27hp
    Active Effects: Death Ward, Aid, Mage Armor, See Invisibility
    Concentrating: Greater Invisibility (Lanius) (4/10 rounds)
    Immunities: Poison, Magical Sleep
    Conditions: Prone

    Merry crawls back westwards a few feet, staying low / prone in the underbrush. He retrieves his trusty mica chips and readies a loud snap to center on Robin wherever he might poke his head up again.

    Spoiler: OOC - Shatter 5th level
    If Robin shows himself within 70' of Merry, Con DC 20 (1d20)[3]+mods for half of (6d8)[29] thunder damage.
    Last edited by Archemist; 2024-03-05 at 03:32 PM.