Here is Delmuth Quibella, a wild elf from the Yuri. It's not complete as of this moment, but I wanted something to be posted so it was known that I am working on the character. My idea for Delmuth is that he will be an archer that stays hidden at the beginning of combat and will constantly be on the move, taking shots at enemies and then moving away from where he did so, trying to stay hidden to keep on having concealment while the front line fighters do their thing. He is merely their to support them. If we level up again I will be taking another level of Ranger to get an animal companion, I am not going to do anything crazy however and am instead thinking of just the elven dog from RoW if that is okay. It would be more of a pet as I would not be going out of my way to have it in combat when it could die, think of it like a hunting dog and that would basically be how I used it. I do understand though that RoW is not in the allowed sources and if you say no I plan on taking a Hawk or eagle instead and having it carry a lantern for us to light the way when it becomes dark.

For items I am thinking a bow, some special tipped arrows as we don't know what we will be facing, simple magical chain shirt, and something that grants me spider climb so I have mobility with my arrows and thus can try to stay at a good range from enemies, even if that means above them.