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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Default Re: Dangerous Old Men & Women (5e, high level NPC combat testing) IC

    Merry Mann
    High Elf Abjuration Wizard 11
    AC: 15 | HP: 67/57+10 | Initiative: +3(A)
    STR: +1 | DEX: +3 | CON: +1 | INT: +9 | WIS: +4 | CHA: -1
    Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4 | 2nd: 2/3 | 3rd: 2/3 | 4th: 1/3 | 5th: 2/2 | 6th: 1/1
    Spell DC: 20 Spell Atk: +12
    Arcane Ward: 27/27hp
    Active Effects: Death Ward, Aid, See Invisibility, Blink (7/10 rounds)
    Concentrating: Greater Invisibility (Lanius, 8/10 rounds)
    Immunities: Poison, Magical Sleep
    Conditions: Ethereal!

    Merry reappears midway over the stream and promptly falls in. Undignified and looking like an unhappy wet cat, he moves forwards to the opposite bank from where he started. He casts a simple spell, but one which he hopes will have a good chance of catching Robin. A tiny skeletal hand appears near the ranger and tries to grab him.

    Then Merry fades out again into etherealness.

    Spoiler: OOC - Chill Touch
    (1d20+12)[19] spell attack for (3d8)[10] necrotic damage and he can't regain hp for a round.

    Rolled Blink: 18 in discord.
    Last edited by Archemist; 2024-03-03 at 02:16 PM.