Lanius Collurio
Would Elf Gloomstalker 8 / Arcane Trickster 3
AC: 19 | HP: 87/87 | Initiative: +7
Spell Slots: 1st: 3/4 | 2nd: 2/3 | 3rd: 2/2
Passive Perception 20 | Passive Insight 16 | Passive Investigation 11
Favored Foe: 4/4
Active Effects: Blindsight 10ft, Long Strider (50ft walk/climb/swim), Greater Invsibility, Pass without Trace

Lanius muttered: So it has come to this - the Grey Robin against the Red-Backed Shrike. Let's see how this plays out.

Immediately, he fired three arrows, moved and hid.


(1d20+12)[28], damage (1d8+10)[18]
(1d20+12)[22], damage (1d8+10)[18]
(1d20+12)[31], damage (1d8+10)[13]

if all hit (1d8)[8]
Sneak attack (2d6)[5]

Hide (1d20+23)[29]/(1d20+23)[27]
Move to M113
Spoiler: Roll templates

Roll templates for a smoother repost on smartphone
[roll]1d20+12[ /roll], damage [roll]1d8+10[ /roll]

if all hit [roll]1d8[ /roll]
Sneak attack [roll]2d6[ /roll]