My name is Impigo Montoya, you killed my parents... prepare to die!

Thinks Impigo repeatedly trying to calm his anger at the insinuation of him being a Familiar. The trauma of the imprisonment, of the experimentation, of the shame of serving a necromancer! No, he was not a familiar anymore, and he was here to hunt wizards like these... but he understood there was little to gain and much more to lern about the whereabouts of his archnemesis.

He collected all his pride and spoke softly, accepting the patronizing tone of the wizard.

Yes Masters, yes. I'm sent here by my Master to fetch Onyx. But my master would be happy to know that Silgirix, the Six FIngered Necromancer, was around buying supplies. Could you indicate where he'd gone?

And he offered a reverence.

Spoiler: Rolls

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