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Thread: Supernatural Isekai OOC

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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Default Re: Supernatural Isekai OOC

    Name and Pronouns: Rowan Inglis
    Character Fun Fact: A complete and utter nerd who couldn't make up their mind on what their favorite thing was to save their life.
    Newfound Appearance: Rowan is 5'9" and weighs around 166 lbs. Androgynous in appearance but physically fit. Caucasian with reddish brown hair cropped above the shoulder and bright blue eyes. After becoming a Twilight Saga vampire Rowan's skin became corpse pale and their androgynous features heightened to become incredibly beautiful. While still slight and physically fit it belies the actual strength of this new body. Rowan's eyes are either Black when hungry, Red when feeding on human blood, or Golden when feeding on animal blood.
    Inspiration Character: [1st] Peter Petrelli (Heroes); [2nd] Jasper Whitlock (Hale) (Twilight Saga)
    Inspiration Fun Fact: He was the empathic son of a rich New York family who believed he had the power to fly. An empath who was put through so much that his becoming jaded changed how his special powers work. Showing the world can harden even the most open and caring heart.
    Jasper was a Civil War major, gifted with an empathic ability that made him very compelling to those around him. This led to him being turned by a vampire named Maria who sought officers for her army. Once becoming a vampire his abilities properly manifested in Pathokinesis, the ability to feel the emotions around him, as well as control them.

    Spoiler: Peter Petrelli's Power Template

    Peter Petrelli's Evolved Ability is Empathic Mimicry.
    Because of this to recall an ability he has mimicked he must recall how someone made him feel, or how he feels about someone. The more experienced Peter became as mimicking a gift the easier it was to call up and control. Initially, Peter would mimic an ability if it came within a certain range of him, but not always.

    Peter's DNA automatically re-sequences itself to mimic the abilities of those around him, implying only that his ability works on genetic-based abilities.

    Peter has absorbed and mimicked:
    Precognitive Dreaming from Angela Petrelli (his mother)
    (Unaided) Flight from Nathan Petrelli (his brother)
    Precognition (via visual art) from Isaac Mendez
    Space-Time Manipulation from Hiro Nakamura
    Regenerative Healing Factor from Claire Bennet (his niece)
    Telepathy from Matt Parkman
    Invisibility from Claude Rains
    Telekinesis from Gabriel Gray (Sylar)
    Radiation Emission from Ted Sprague
    Enhanced Strength from Nikki Sanders
    Electricity Manipulation from Elle Bishop
    Intangibility from D.L. Hawkins
    Pyrokinesis from Flint Gordon Jr.
    Intuitive Aptitude from Gabriel Gray (Sylar)
    Enhanced Speed from Daphne Millbrook

    Powers Peter was exposed too, but never demonstrated for whatever reason:
    Healing from Daniel Linderman
    Power Absorption from Arthur Petrelli (his father)
    Suggestion from Eden McCain
    Cryokinesis from Gabriel Gray (Sylar)
    "Shattering" from Gabriel Gray (Sylar)(Call Molecular Combustion by Heroes: The official magazine)
    Mental Manipulation from Rene
    Melting from Gabriel Gray (Sylar)
    Enhanced Hearing from Gabriel Gray (Sylar)
    Clairvoyance from Molly Walker
    Technopathy from Micah Sanders
    Alchemy from Bob Bishop
    Sound Manipulation from Jesse Murphy (Shared a body)
    Clairesentience from Gabriel Gray (Sylar)

    Spoiler: Jasper Whitlock's Power Template

    Combat Skills - Jasper is a skilled combatant and veteran of the Vampire Wars. As such he is a master of vampire vs vampire combat and is well aware of what a vampire is physically capable of regarding himself and his opponents.

    Superhuman Speed – Twilight Vampires can run in excess of a hundred miles per hour, substantially faster than the human eye can see (<13 milliseconds). Fast enough to be all but invisible when running. Vampires can lay down, sit up, and make any movement almost instantly as they think about it. They can survive accelerations of at least 100 g forces.

    Superhuman Strength – Twilight Vampires are ungodly strong and capable of casually lifting and manipulating full-sized vans. Strength compared to the power of a cement truck moving down a shape decline at over 60 miles per hour. (the empty truck is 27 tons, so 23,965,810 ft-lb or so). This does extend beyond physical strength to mental strength and willpower.

    Superhuman Senses – Twilight Vampires possess incredibly keen and powerful senses.
    Sight – Said to far exceed that of a Hawk, they can see perfectly in darkness. They can focus in on objects in microscopic detail and see invisible spectrums of light.
    Smell – The sense of smell is the most intense for a vampire, as it is how they hunt. They can smell objects several miles away in a good breeze and due to perfect recall can identify objects and people by their scent.
    Hearing – Vampires can hear the most muted sounds, including the sound of music being played miles away. They can hear and distinguish the difference in the fluttering and heartbeats of small birds flying nearby. They can hear things from miles around. Detect and determine how many people are present by the different breathing patterns and the individual heartbeats.
    Touch – Despite their superhuman durability they have a keen sense of touch. They have such an acute sense of touch they can stroke a soap bubble without popping it. They can tell the slightest change in temperature or air pressure. They can feel the heat radiating off a living being.
    Taste – Linked to their keen sense of smell their ability to taste is also superhuman. They can taste the air and determine different things due to the particles they taste in the air around them.
    Sixth Sense – Vampires have a keen sense for danger, they can feel when an equal predator is nearby, something that is capable of harming them. However, this can be an unconscious detection not giving them much more than a bad feeling if they are not perceptive.

    Indestructibility – Vampires are virtually indestructible. They are described as harder than granite and even diamond-hard. They are incredibly durable, their cells are extremely hard and reflective. The only things that can harm them are themselves or werewolves/shapeshifters. They can't be harmed by standard human weapons (except possibly incendiary, high explosives, AP, and Nuclear)

    Regenerative Healing – When they are damaged their bodies begin to mend. Their hair cannot heal, if a limb is removed it must be reattached for it to heal. Their own venom allows their wounds to heal at a much quicker rate. If they are torn to pieces and not burned, they can reconstruct themselves in time with no signs of damage.

    Flexibility – Vampires bodies are uncanny. They are incredibly flexible and their ability and reflexes far outstrip that of a human. They have perfect awareness of their body in space and can control it perfectly. This is in part due tot he enhanced speed of their brains which allows them to think and move at superhuman speeds.

    Perfect Recall – Vampires can instantly remember and recall everything they have ever experienced, encountered, or learned since their transformation with perfect clarity.

    Venom – Twilight Vampires are venomous, their bodily fluids are replaced with venom which acts as a super nonfriction fluid to make their movements easier. When biting prey the venom enters the bloodstream and cripples the prey with pain. If allowed to spread the human will turn into a vampire in 2-3 days. For an animal or shapeshifter its merely incredibly lethal. Venom is also considered highly flammable, acting as an accelerant if the vampire body is ripped apart and burnt.

    Pathokinesis – A vampire power of Jasper Hale (Whitlock), with this ability he can sense the feelings of others and alter them according to his will. With this, Jasper can resolve tense situations peacefully, make people coexist more easily. Jasper can control the intensity of emotions such as when he quelled Bella's anxiety so much he put her to sleep. This ability gives him insight on hostile intent as he can feel it before they act.

    It is a physical change as such mental defenses do not prevent this ability. The stronger the will of the person the more concentration is required to control their emotions constantly. Though with this ability Jasper is able to even control people's perceptions to some degree, able to hide as mundane and unimportant even in a hostile situation so that he could lead a surprise attack if need be. Or make someone else seem so intimidating and threatening by heightening the person's emotional responses to that other person.
    Last edited by TheAlmightyKue; 2024-03-09 at 08:05 PM.