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Thread: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG OoC

  1. - Top - End - #16
    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2021

    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG OoC

    Interesting; that could work and I'm curious to see how it'd do.

    I've started mapping out a revised sheet with early feats for a straight barbarian with the bardic tweaks. (Grabbing diplomacy via Martial Study and gather info via CityScape skill swap, so he can still function well socially).

    If he winds up going with the Champion of Gwynharwyf, does that class have similar tweaks to the Paladin mechanics? At
    the moment, I sort of see him as involved with the Church of the Whirling Fury because

    a) It's more exciting than regular church and
    b) He's smitten with some of the women there.

    Tossed in a cross-class rank of Know (religion) from his experiences there, mostly acquired by osmosis.
    Last edited by Rilem; 2024-02-25 at 05:05 AM.