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Thread: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG OoC

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    Ettin in the Playground
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    Jun 2012
    Athens, Greece

    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG OoC

    So, I am back.

    Here is Tefkros, the elven ranger charsheet. Still WIP. If I have made any mistakes please tell me, it has been a while since my 3.5 days.

    Spoiler: Tefkros

    Tefkros Telamonassa is a young elf, hailing from the clan of Nastaroquen in the Amado jungle. Tefkros' people have resided in these lands since time immemorial, and enjoy a certain status among the other elven and non-elven clans. The Nastaroquen are hunters and tamers of wild beasts, herbalists of some renown and lorekeepers of Solonor Thelandira and Fenmarel Mestarine. Tefkros learned to hunt and to fight from the clan's hunters, and the basis of the Clan's herbal magic from the lorekeepers. In the young age of 100, he was considered a fair shot even by elven standards.
    But Tefkros was a bit strange, by the standards of his people. Something called to him, but he did not know what. He often ignored the demands of his clan and went out alone, paddling in the rivers or scouting in the very borders of elven lands . He also displayed a great love of luxury and of comforts, resulting in him trading objects and objects that would have been useful for the clan, for things that made Tefkros’ life more comfortable. His elders chided him again and again, but Tefkros continued to defy them. The final straw was a trading journey to the Emerald Cove, where Tefkros saw the sea for the first time. His heart was captivated,by the city and by the sea both. Despite the behests of his family and friends, he went back to the sea the first chance he got. His elders disavowed him and sentenced him to become an outcast for the next century. Tefkros, furious, denounced them in turn and vowed that this was not a punishment, but a blessing. Privately, he vowed to go back in fame and fortune, and prove these doddering old men and women fools.
    This is how, fifty years ago, Tefkros ended up in Sasserine, with the clothes on his back, his gear and a few scant coins, barely speaking the language. It took him years to get used to life in the human city and decades to get accepted as a native. But Tefkros did not care. He was happy to sail the large human ships as a sailor, a warrior and a hunter. He was happy to live near the eternal but everchanging sea. He even made friends with these short-lived humans. Over the years, his skills adapted to his new life. He is still an archer and a tracker of some renown, and with a fair reputation for impartiality. Why would do petty, short-lived, human intrigues concern him?

    Questions for the dear DM
    - How free are we to create background details? Tefkros has been in town for fifty years. I would picture him having associates, crews he has sailed with, antagonists and employers. Can I make those up?
    -A similar question: Apart from the info you have already provided, what else from the AP guide is valid? The districts, persons, map? What about languages and deities? I plan for Tefkros to have focused on more peripheral elven deities.
    -I gave him the Loner flaw, which means to animal companion. I don't picture him as having one. I would like for him to go the Deepwood Sniper route, if that is OK. His 'spells' will be his herblore.
    - To show his love for the sea, I have him Sailor, Rope Use, Balance, things he would have learned as a crew member, even a fighting one. I picture him as having a small boat - an "elven war canoe" in his mind- that he likes to take out. I will put that in my equipment.

    Questions for fellow players
    - Would anyone like to entangle backstories? I would guess that Aron and Eli would have the chance to know and/or have worked with Tefkros.