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Thread: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG OoC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Default Re: Aurangh's Savage Tide OG OoC

    This is the cast I feel works the best together. I want to express some ideas after having run this adventure a couple of times that may improve the experience overall:

    1. There's a lot of seafaring, it's a big part of the adventure and it gives your character chances to do stuff you wouldn't be able to do in other campaigns. Consider that in your mechanics. i.e a heavy armored knight makes little sense.

    2. There are long-term connections that may not be apparent at first, but could become important as the adventure develops, give me depth, you'll be rewarded.

    3. Build with fun and theme in mind. Make request to adapt stuff and do not feel constrained by class descriptions etc.

    Spoiler: Rilem
    There's a Whirling Frenzy church in the city.

    Spoiler: Proudgognard
    I really like the "In love with the sea" it's a great hook that would need some mechanical support
    Last edited by Auranghzeb; 2024-02-23 at 05:34 PM.