
Seeing the attention shift from him and the demure Ms. Blaine to the unfolding disagreement Hercules walks towards Ben Grimm and Johnny Storm.
Approaching his fellow big man Hercules welcomes Ben Grim with a vase of wine.
It's always the bachelor always get the blame; I've suffered beneath that lash.
It's good see you Ben, you seem well. Where is Reed? Hopefully not sequestered in his laboratory and neglecting his stewardship of this fine city so he may illuminate us with rigid ways.

As Susan's well deserved disapproval continues to spill into public view; Still tame compared to quarrels and consternation of the family of Olympus though.

Spoiler: Hercules status
Stress: 1 Mental Stress = 1D_?
Complication: D12 Mass Confusion?
Assets: None
Plot Points: 13
XP: 1/10