IC Thread is up

I don't think I'll be providing maps. Makes it harder to post. For this encounter, given the spacing of the cave we will use three narrative distances when there's doubt: Melee, Close, Far.

Melee: You can attack or within a 5' step to attack.
Close: Within your normal movement.
Far: two movements away.

For example: GorGarath and Finn are in melee with the cultists and the troglodyte. The troglodyte is medium size but has reach due to deformed arms and the cultists have longspears so they have reach. Since you are melee, their reach only matters if you want to run, otherwise you just need a 5' step.

Alena is close. not in melee reach of anyone but she can step up and reach the line of cultists with one single movement.

Dhorn and Saxifrage are far, they'll need two movements to reach the main cave.