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Thread: Deadpool & Wolverine - Teaser Trailer

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Deadpool & Wolverine - Teaser Trailer

    Quote Originally Posted by Psyren View Post
    Linking the movies and TV shows is not inherently bad though; Guardians 3 didn't suffer from being related to the Holiday Special, Multiverse of Madness didn't suffer from being linked to What If and WandaVision, and while it's too early to tell if this movie will suffer from being linked to Loki it seems unlikely. (In fact, Loki having laid the groundwork of who the TVA are and what their deal is seems extremely useful to keep Deadpool's interactions with them snappy.) And while we have no idea what will ultimately get done with Moon Knight, having him show up in a movie trailer will almost certainly be met with acclaim. It helps too that the links that worked best were indirect/optional.

    The bigger issue is that they bloated the release schedule, particularly on the TV side. Echo and Secret Invasion added almost nothing to the slate, FATWS and Hawkeye were meh outings at best, and She-Hulk/Ms. Marvel were held back from their full potential by their franchise maintenance obligations. They were so focused on barreling towards Avengers 5+ that they didn't put the polish needed onto Thor 4, Ant-Man 3 and Eternals, which then caused audiences to stay home from the Marvels, a movie I genuinely believed to be fine if not good. If they had trimmed a bunch of that fat, people would have been less fatigued and seen the Marvels for the solid superhero movie it was.
    I have zero issue with maintaining MCU via both shows and films. I don't even mind, say, 4 series and 4 films a year. I don't believe in "super hero fatigue" any more than I believe in "buddy cop fatigue", "rom-com fatigue", "spy/thriller fatigue" or any other genre fatigue. I believe the accurate term for what we've seen on the MCU side is "mandatory viewing for shared universe understanding fatigue".

    The series and films don't have to build towards OMGAWESOMEXOVER every 3 years. And even if they do, they can do it in a proper foreshadowing fashion instead of a modified storytelling ratio where at least 5x% of each individual film or series must contribute directly to the genesis of the culminating XOVER film. Focus on good episodic stories with some threads/eggs that can lead to a cool crossover. Minimize powercreep. Develop characters, villains, etc., and then present them in the XOVER in a way that doesn't require anyone to have watched every previous appearance of that character to "get" them. You the comics did successfully for many many years. I didn't need to know all of Vision's backstory to enjoy Marvel Team-Up #42...just that he could fly, turn intangible and blast rays from his head. You know...the stuff they actually showed in that issue.

    tl,dr: Make all of the series and films stand alone, and be optional viewing. Make occasional big crossover events that are understandable stories *on their own*. And don't do stupid multiverse stories ever again. That crap sucked in the books too.

    - M

    Quote Originally Posted by Clertar View Post
    I doubt he's the villain. Did you guys not notice

    Spoiler: villain identity guesswork
    the bald cape-wearing woman that we see on a back shot?
    Spoiler: Isn't that really...
    Professor Xavier? Looks like a cape, I grant, but I think it is something with a popped collar and blending into the cushioned back of a (wheel)chair.
    Last edited by Mordar; 2024-02-15 at 12:34 PM. Reason: Avoiding double post
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