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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Re: Completely Inconsequential Hot-Takes 2: People Take Too Long to Post New Threads

    Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
    Bolded for emphasis:I will readily agree that Europe is not Southeast Asia.
    Now that's a daring and divisive opinion! So controversial. So brave.

    Quote Originally Posted by Batcathat View Post
    It is kind of interesting how many ways of preparing food (especially meat, I think) just started out as a way to keep it from going bad. Now I kinda wonder whether the invention of freezers and refrigerators has slowed the pace of culinary invention? (If that is the case, I'd say it's worth the prize, though my reactions to spoiled food probably count as a phobia, so I'm a bit biased).
    Probably not slowed at all, given the prevalence of fusion and multicultural foods that have become more commonplace even just in the last two decades.

    Or a better way to say it: I agree that necessity may indeed have been the mother of invention when it came to preservation in centuries past, and innovation due to preserving food is mostly unheard of now. But I'm certain that globalization (for all of its many flaws, which we deffo can't get into on this thread ) has more than made up for that difference. People have more access than ever before to a wealth of ingredients and cuisine (which they immediately incorporate into their own cuisine). Food & cooking media is also huge, and it inspires many to push their culinary boundaries.

    As anyone who's ever tried to google a recipe ever can tell you, we almost have too much culinary innovation these days
    Last edited by Ionathus; 2024-02-12 at 04:36 PM.