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Thread: Personal Woes and Advice 6

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2010

    Default Re: Personal Woes and Advice 6

    Same old problem


    God, I need to vent.
    My older brother and mother both have hobby with plant and gardening, though they deal with different plants. One of brother's was a papaya tree. This morning my mother spray baygon (a brand of insectice, mostly used against mosquito) on the papaya tree trunk because she didn't like how it got surrounded by many ants. That made my brother angry and there was a fight.

    And like, I got it, spraying insecticide is not good. Its not even farming purpose insecticide. But the way my brother angry is just, its throwing tantrums like a child. I was stupefied seeing it. And this is over a tree.

    In fairness to not cast stone, there's time not too many years ago when I lost it (I posted about when I went in this thread). That does not make it better though.

    Worse is that my brother is still sulking half a day after, and apparently have not been eating all day.

    Thank goodness my mother is sleeping soundly. But I'm dreading when she wakes up because she's inevitavlbly be worried about my brother not eating and she likely will talk to him to eat (reminding & pushing her children to eat is something she does, you know the type surely). I'm worried that could lead to more fight.

    This the nth time I'm watching my brother and mother and feeling useless to help. There's nothing I can do.
    The only thing I can do is staying out of it so it doesn't get any worse.

    While I typed/posted the above

    Good news, my mother wake up and there won't be fighting for a while.

    Bad news is that's because my brother just went of God knows where with his bike before my mother woke up. Prolly won't say anything if I don't caught up and ask him where he want to go, and even there's his answer was flippant 'going out, going whenever'. Its made me pissed off honestly.

    Like what the **** is the point worrying about him when he will just respond to concerns with spite like this.

    In many other occasion he will goes off lecturing me about stuffs. I'm especially ever upset because he like to mouth off about religious-based manners, but here he goes, going out without almost any word when it was parting words and greeting I understood as something important in our faith. Like, I never forget to say parting words and greeting when going out and in even when I'm upset with the person in the house.

    Also, my mother is a bit sickly and now I have to tell her about this.

    Last edited by Salbazier; 2024-02-12 at 09:41 AM.
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