Quote Originally Posted by Aegis013 View Post
According to the rules on MiC pg 233-234 adding common effects to magic items of the appropriate slot type doesn't carry the 50% gp cost adjustment. (e.g. +2/4/6 enhancement to attribute, +1-5 resistance to saves, etc). So the Belt of Magnificence +6 which costs 200k costs more than just 4 items of +6 enhancement bonus which can added to other items for just 144k.

If you're merging items that aren't just common effects, like a Bracer of Archery with a Strongarm Bracer, the 50% increased cost adjustment would apply.

If I'm incorrect, I'm sure paradox26 will let us know.

Edit: Swordsage'd by watupwithdat.
Quote Originally Posted by Dusk Raven View Post
I actually asked about that earlier and paradox said all items get the +50% cost, as I recall.

As per Paradox26

if you have a magic item in a slot then all OTHER items in that slot of the same value or less cost 50% more

so if we have a bracers of armor +8, 64K + strongarm bracers 6K the strong arm actually cost 9K but the AC are still only 64K