*sips coffee* Ahh, I love the smell of strong opinions in the morning.

I've been getting into D&D terrain crafting & painting, and I never have enough paintbrushes.

Why? Because I need a very specific brush size (1/4" - 1/2") to be big enough for coverage but able to fit average nooks & crannies. I have other brushes but this is by far the most useful.

And believe it or not, the most economical way for me to get those brushes in my area is to buy them in giant variety packs that contain a bunch of crap brushes I don't need (example).

Things like this are basically the only good option at the stores in my area. There are other "high quality" brush packs for $50+, and there are smaller packs with finer tips than I need. But if I want to get another 2-3 of that brush size that I need, the cheapest way to do it is, believe it or not, to buy these ridiculous grab bag packs. Half the brushes in them are obviously garbage and another third are things like the foam sponge -- useful to have one or two, but I have no reason to amass them in bulk.

The first one was kind of nice to get -- I've found niche uses for the other brushes. But I have no reason to buy another one. So now I've just been making do with the usable ones from this first pack. For over a year.