Quote Originally Posted by Feathersnow View Post
Question- is Trickster Spellthief acceptable? I think it was Dragon Magazine, not WotC, originally. If so, I will go with a Spellthief 7+Shadowcaster 4-> Noctumancer 10. The concept being an Elf who lost her family to Drow raids. Otherwise, a Duergar Cleric+Totemist->Sapphire Hierarch with a similar high concept. I will flesh out details once I have a build.
I am approving most of Dragon Magazine, so that is fine.
Quote Originally Posted by samduke View Post

what this does not exactly cover, I will ask about.

Can I take an magic item , reverse engineer it to see what things cost like, (IE grants you the Combat Reflexes feat) - would you allow that?

and following that up there is a sidebar that makes mention of adding a feat to an item for 10k - would you allow that ?
Reverse engineering is fine.
Buying feats onto items is banned.
Quote Originally Posted by Darius Vibrtrar View Post
also, epic spellcasting, can we have crafted epic spells before game.
No epic spells.
Quote Originally Posted by Dusk Raven View Post
Well, I've been beat out in terms of "person with the best stat rolls" but I still really like the array I've got. I do have a question, however. Is Dragon Magazine content allowed on request? Specifically, the Improved Combat Reflexes and possibly the Greater Combat Reflexes feats. They're not essential, but I am going to be getting a lot of AoOs thanks to Psychic Weapon Master, and I'd like to actually use most of them. If that borders on cheese (given I'm going to be using the Karmic Strike feat and/or the Perfect Riposte power), I'm fine with dropping them.
I am approving most of Dragon magazine, but shoot me a heads up just to make sure it isn't silly. The ones you asked for above are fine.