Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg began moving towards the hover rail, sensing that it would help propel him and the rest of the party toward their ultimate goal quicker. "Never thought this old sea drake would be using squid tech to get around, but here we be." He says to himself.

Before he gets to the hover rail he turns and calls back to Cocytus, who appears intent on staying behind to cover the party: "Are ye really just going to stand there and let a follower of Bahamut beat ye to first blood on the Elder Brain? Come on and show me the wrath o' Tenebrous!"

He doesn't wait for an answer and instead hops onto the hover rail, which sends him speeding down the track towards the T junction. He jumps off just before the turn, not wanting to risk sliding off and putting the solar egg at risk.

Move Action + Dash to get to the Hover Rail, get on and ride it to the T junction, jumping off before the turn to not worry about a Dex Save. Continue Concentrating on Sleet Storm. DC 15 still.