The young knight passes by Feiya and Daji to start moving carefully into the room, and Alandra's stare just barely seeing enough of him to help him.

There's a skittering sound heard from within, and Bořek's gauntlets grip his polearm tightly in response to a perceived threat.

Begin Round One ...

R1T24: Ziggy instantly is off the chain and goes rushing into the next room. "Big rockamotches!" she calls from the other room, followed by "Ptooey!" and a faint sizzling sound.

R1T20: The shadows around Feiya become slightly lessened as she then moves into the room.

R1T19: Rodrigo moves in and a loud report is heard from his Alkenstar weapon that makes Alandra's teeth rattle. "Got one!" he calls jubilantly. Then less excitedly, "Oh, wait, it's still moving."

R1T11: "She meant cockroaches," Ranghen explains matter-of-factly as she passes Alandra and makes her way in, and the sound of her sickle carving through something resistant and wet is heard.

R1T10: Alandra, what do you do?