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Thread: Tomboys and Troublemakers pt 3

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: Tomboys and Troublemakers pt 3

    Bertelis doesn't revel in the ghastly description of the Renderer's fall from professionalism. But he has been the recipient of grievous wounds enough times that he has learned a modicum of the craft mostly by osmosing some fragment of Wighard's skill performed upon him. That, and his morning malaise, insulate him against unbecoming reaction.

    "It would make sense such a monstrous man would be interested in breaching the Lighthouse. Within is a library of Verenan works, including their stock of Tilean texts on medical matters, I am forced to assume. But the marks on the houses - what have they to do with any of this? If he intended to take the occupants alive and torture them, is it some kind of... signal for his ghastly servants? Is that the baying we heard outside - some necromantic monster driven desperate by inability to complete a task assigned to it by its master hiding beyond the river? If that's the case... maybe we hunt for traces of it how, in early light, before we cross over. If we can thwart a threat to the locals... I... would have a hard time not taking that opportunity."
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2024-01-28 at 01:34 AM.