Ttharg Krixkrux

Ttharg notices the First Mate's agitation, but more than that, he notices how personal this situation is for him. Something happened to this man, or to people close to him, that rooted a deep and unshakeable hatred in him.

Ttharg was a religious man by chance, and had made no effort to study religion or the practises of men and women of the cloth, but he realised in this moment that he should be acting somewhat as a confessor. He had no idea exactly how to start such a process, and wasn't naturally charismatic either.

He made a quick, quiet prayer to Bahamut for Guidance, and then turned to the First Mate. "Beggin' ye pardon sir, but it sounds like this be personal to ye. I understand the disgust at the betrayal of Tenebrous ye feel, but, if I may be so bold sir, there's something more to this that be weighin' ye down. The crew needs ye to keep a level head here, and in the weeks to come. If it'd make ye feel better to get it off ye chest to a priest, even one as unorthodox as I, then I'll listen."

(Guidance for 1, Persuasion Roll 10, for 11)