Briant returns at Bella's summons, and you confer quietly outside the room while Lady Margot, ostensibly, relishes her incremental freedom within the room behind you. Bella's catching up on Breton fast, though without Giorno up here to translate immediately, communication is slow again. Still, the message is simple, and Briant seems to get it. Donallo is here, though he stands at a remove from your conference, exhausted and desperate.

The possibility that you will need to help him overpower his wife and tie her to the bed again seems almost inevitable. Briant has a weak suggestion as an alternative, atleast.

"Nous l'emmenons à la chapelle du Graal. Peut-être l'esprit ne demeurera-t-il pas sur la terre sainte."

Bella parses as best she can. "He thinks we might do best to take her to the grail chapel we camped at on the road. The holy ground, yes..? But if it does not work...I am not sure what else to do. We know his knights have gone seeking help from other places - perhaps it is best to... restore the lowly order here and leave it as is, however little good that does for neglected souls in the fief..."