Everyone is fine taking what protections may be granted all.

People start to take a bit of a "formation" at this point as Feiya and Daji step up. The moss-covered planks that make up the front porch are swollen and half rotten. The front door hangs slightly open.

Daji does a yipping bark at the porch and Feiya waves everyone away. She takes a look, and says, "Big Man, can you break the porch right here," she says pointing to part of the porch.

Bořek obliges and sets down his guisarme and taking out his flail and easily shattering part of the rotten wood. Feiya nods and he puts his flail away, picking up his guisarme again.

"It is fine now, the pressure is relieved from the rest of the porch, and it is safe now."

Feiya checks the door and opens it to reveal a dank smell pervading a five-foot wide hallway. A set of stairs rises to the next floor, and the hallway turns sharply to the north past the staircase.