The mighty OOOOINK is answered by "Yeah! What he said!"

And Morazzt getting encouraged, Bommel also joins in: "Yeah! You can do it, Morazzt!"

The Shadow Ear's eyes are burning with Biting Spirit! He has to protect his friends! And the dwarf! And the carriage! And the lizard in the carriage! And whoever else is in there!

So even though his ears are feeling really gross and icky, and he has the most nasty taste in his mouth (him shaking from that looks more like the silktail violently vibrating due to the haste spell), Bommel launches himself at the mouth-goop again!

He will need so many snacks to get rid of that taste, ew ew ew.

Spoiler: Actions
Full Action Full attack the mouther attacking the the carriage and Morazzt! All attacks count as magic and adamantine, and deal nonlethal damage at no penalty. Power Attack -2 to-hit for +4 damage.
Bite (1d20+16)[22], for (1d3+14)[16] physical damage
Ear 1 (1d20+16)[33], for (1d2+8)[9] piercing and slashing damage
Ear 2 (1d20+16)[20], for (1d2+8)[10] piercing and slashing damage
Unarmed blob 1 (1d20+16)[22], for (1d2+8)[10] piercing and slashing damage
Unarmed blob HASTE (1d20+16)[36], for (1d2+8)[10] piercing and slashing damage
Unarmed blob 2 (1d20+11)[12], for (1d2+8)[9] piercing and slashing damage