Quote Originally Posted by holbita View Post
Delaying to 999999 is not possible, you can only reduce your iniative, so you can turn your initiative 17 into a -10 initative and act at the end of the current turn. You cannot use the delay action to increase your initiative, and even if you could... doing so would be a horrible idea, as it would mean losing a turn.
I don't believe that is correct. From the delay section of the SRD:

"If you take a delayed action in the next round, before your regular turn comes up, your initiative count rises to that new point in the order of battle, and you do not get your regular action that round."

As for being a horrible idea, while you are technically not acting in the first round if you do this, functionally there is no difference between going after your opponents this round and before your opponents next round except for more flexibility in coordinating with your teammates. At least AFAICT.