Quote Originally Posted by Kurald Galain View Post
That's interesting, but it risks having the same issue as psionic powers (i.e. that the best option is to spam a single low-level power all the time).
While I understand the balance concern, I suspect that making it too difficult to reuse powers had the side effect of limiting how impactful they are. If you're facing down a bunch of really heavily-armoured enemies, it should be a really big deal that your fighter knows adamantine strike. But in practice, they'll get one opportunity to use it, at best it'll take a few hit points from one target and debuff them for a short time, and unless they took the right paragon path or epic destiny, that's it.

That said, it's possible that it could have worked if the general balancing of effects had been different. If adamantine strike had been a reliable power that just deletes the target's ability to have better AC than reflex for the rest of the encounter, I doubt I'd be making a comment like this.