Fork had one of those classic: 'Oh no..' moments when he lost his footing as the ship got rocked from the initial impact. The fall down went in a sort of slowmotion way, where he felt hyper aware, however everything that happened was inevitable and he was hopeless to stop the events from transpiring. As such, the impact with the deck was expected but still came way too fast.

All breath was knocked out of him along with some teeth. The damage was mostly internal though and soon blood was escaping his ears, nose and left eye. He felt quite stunned for a moment, which is why the finer details of the goings-on escaped him. He maybe able to construe together the sounds of fireballs and waterblasts, and shouts and screams into a semi-cohesive account of what went down this day, but later, and only after much sleep and talking to people who can explain to him the events that transpired. Right now, in this moment, it was chaos and he was turned inward.
Therefor, it was a complete surprise to Fork when he suddenly got stabbed repeatedly. Pain had lost all meaning to Fork. The first one was a surprise, an unwelcome way to be prodded back into reality. His vision tried to show him what was happening but he was still seeing double. The second one was a nuisance, a total irritation. It was rude, and that pissed him off. He became aware of the Sahuigin. On his ship.. Stabbing him? His vision zoomed into focus again. Just in time as the third spear was aimed right at his head.

He turned his head and the spear narrowly missed him, thuncking onto the hardwood deck instead.

Fork rolled away and scrambled up. He scanned the deck. "Get those fish off of the ship!" He said weakly as his chest was still trying to handle breathing, and all that escaped him was blood and whisper. He fumbled in his right breast pocket and quickly blew his signal whistle. Once, sharp and loud, two seconds long. This whistle has been heard several times the last couple of weeks. Every marine that has been training the last four weeks would know what this particular order meant. It should come as no surprise.

-Kill all enemies.-

Upon hearing the whistle the marines should be left with no confusion. Someone else heard the whistle too. Rumble bolted towards the Sahuigin closest to Fork and attacked fiercely, as Fork fell down to one knee to grab his weapons. The slowness from the fall was replaced entirely with something else now. Routine and muscle memory, survival. He'd found his second wind and Fork was going to kill every last one of them or die trying.

Spoiler: Actions

Action: Command Marines
Bonus Action: Have the drake attack (to hit: 22, damage: 5)