Evaro's Team ...

Looking east into the northernmost door's room ... two bunks stand in this room, relatively free of dust and mold. A single chair lies on its side between them.

Evaro, what do you do?

Aubrine's Team ...

Aubrine's team looks west into the westernmost door ... Once a pantry, this room has become a filthy, reeking lair of what must be hundreds, if not thousands, of rats. Swaths of fur cling to everything, and mounds of rat droppings cover the floor. A quick search of the room reveals nothing.

They then move to the door nearby that faces south. Two wine racks line the walls here, their shelves empty and dusty. Mounds of broken glass bottles clutter the floor. A quick search is performed, and a concealed compartment that is currently opened and easily visible shows a hiding spot that was kept for high-quality vintage wines, though currently empty.